Entries by Amy Carter

AI and Accountability: Ensuring Safety For the Next Generation

You might have heard about the recent Texas lawsuit where an AI chatbot suggested a 17-year-old boy, identified as J.F., kill his parents over limiting screentime privileges. The suit was also brought by the parents of an 11-year-old girl, A.R., who was exposed to hypersexualized conversations with the chatbot. The parents jointly filed a product liability case earlier this […]

Protections for Transgender Workers Are at Risk

As an employment discrimination lawyer, I’ve spent years fighting for the rights of marginalized workers, including the LGBTQ+ community. So, when I heard about Texas’s lawsuit against the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regarding transgender workers’ rights, I was not surprised, but disappointed. It’s yet another move by the conservative right to delegitimize the trans […]

What is Wrongful Termination?

I get a lot of calls from people who think they were wrongfully terminated. It’s a buzzword that gets thrown around, but the truth is, it’s a lot more complicated than most people think. The concept of “wrongful termination” seems straightforward — getting fired for no good reason.    Texas employers can actually fire you for […]

The Hidden Dangers of Kratom

If you’ve spent any time in wellness circles or explored natural alternatives to pain relief, you’ve probably heard of kratom. It’s touted as everything from a miracle cure for chronic pain to a life-saving alternative for opioid addicts looking to wean themselves off prescription drugs.   But as a product liability lawyer, I’ve seen firsthand how […]