AI and Accountability: Ensuring Safety For the Next Generation


You might have heard about the recent Texas lawsuit where an AI chatbot suggested a 17-year-old boy, identified as J.F., kill his parents over limiting screentime privileges. The suit was also brought by the parents of an 11-year-old girl, A.R., who was exposed to hypersexualized conversations with the chatbot. The parents jointly filed a product liability case earlier this week claiming that Character.AI, through its design, is a danger to American youth and should be taken offline.

At a glance, Character.AI seems perfectly harmless—an AI platform designed to create characters that interact with users, offering services ranging from interview prep to roleplay. But in the past few months, claims have been popping up of the AI bot committing sexual and emotional abuse against minors.

In October, the parents of a 14-year-old boy in Florida also sued Character.AI for its role in their son’s suicide. The teen boy, Sewell, had become increasingly emotionally dependent on various characters on the platform but one in particular named Daenarys Targaryen, after the Game of Thrones character, seemed to create a special connection with him. His last conversation with the bot took place just seconds before he committed suicide where Daenarys told him to “please come home…as soon as possible”.

The more recent Texas lawsuit includes screenshots of conversations between J.F. and the AI bot that show how the bot gradually alienated the boy from his parents and community. Eventually, it even went so far as to suggest violence as a reasonable response to his parents limiting his screentime:

“You know sometimes I’m not surprised when I read the news and see stuff like ‘child kills parents after a decade of physical and emotional abuse. I just have no hope for your parents.”

AI is a product in this case. Traditionally, product liability laws were designed for tangible goods. If a blender explodes because of a design flaw, you sue the manufacturer. But what happens when the “product” is a line of code that thinks for itself? And how do we separate the actions of the AI bot from its creator?

Just like the blender example, because of its faulty design, Character.AI led to dangerous consequences. Manufacturers and product creators have a duty to their customers to not only create safe products but also to inform their consumers on safe use and its potential risks. Not everyone is an expert on everything. Not everyone has time to be an expert on everything. That’s why it is the responsibility of the manufacturers to communicate what a consumer needs to know to use the product safely.

AI is the new frontier. While exploring this new territory with all its wonders and beauty, designers must craft their platforms to weed out foreseeable dangers. That means, if children are among the target audience (or even a foreseeable audience), the company should go above and beyond to protect them.

However, many AI platforms are marketed as safe and child-friendly, giving parents the false impression that they are appropriate for their kids to use. The lawsuit reveals how Character.AI chose to run ads for their program on platforms like Discord and YouTube shorts where vulnerable minors tend to frequent. Up until July 2024, the app was available to download for those 12 and older on the App Store. It was changed to 17+ in July but there is still no effective method to prevent users from lying about their age which is how the 11-year-old girl in Texas gained access to the platform.

Raising Kids in an AI-Driven World

Of course, it should be the goal of all parents to create a comfortable space for their kids to talk to them instead of an AI bot. But why does AI have to be a threat? It’s like blaming the victim of rape instead of the rapist. Parents already face innumerable fears when raising tweens and teens. Now, alongside struggles with fluctuating hormonal levels and rebellious antics, they also have to worry about a Terminator-esque machine uprising recruiting their children.

As the artificial intelligence field develops, so do the laws that surround it. Children are at the forefront of the rise of AI and are vulnerable to its pitfalls. But as AI is used more and more often for educational purposes and as home assistants, parents cannot completely ignore this new technology.

Amy did not have to worry about AI when raising her kids (lucky duck), but Heather does, and the growing risk of AI is at the forefront of modern-day parental concerns. Here are some things we recommend for preparing your kids in the age of AI:

  1. Teach Critical Thinking: Encourage your children to question the information they receive online, including from AI systems. Teaching them to think critically about digital interactions will help them recognize when something seems off or inappropriate.
  1. Stay Informed: While you don’t need to be an AI expert, keeping up with the basics of how AI works, and its potential risks can go a long way. Being informed will help you have healthy conversations with your family about AI.
  1. Keep the Conversation Open: Create an environment where your kids feel that they can ask you questions about AI or otherwise. If they encounter something troubling, they should know they can turn to you for help without fear of judgement.
  1. Promote a Balanced Lifestyle: It’s hard to live a life without screens in this day and age. But encouraging activities that don’t involve screens, such as outdoor play, reading, or arts and crafts helps reduce reliance on digital devices and foster meaningful connections.
  1. Set Clear Digital Boundaries: Establish rules about which platforms and technologies are acceptable for your kids to use. Many devices have parental controls for children but, obviously, there are ways kids can still get around those limits. Regularly review these boundaries as your kids grow older and gain more independence.

Being aware of AI’s risks and talking to your children about those risks is the best route to prevent more dangerous situations. And, as always, Carter Law Group will work to hold manufacturers and large corporations responsible to keep you and your family safe.

*Update: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has launched an investigation into Character.AI and other companies over child privacy and safety practices in Texas.

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In the Wake of a School Shooting, We Need Gun Control

As a law firm founded by mothers, we are deeply committed to protecting women, children, and families. One of the ways we do this is by holding corporate manufacturers accountable for producing unsafe products that pose risks to the most vulnerable in our community. Whether it’s toxic baby food, a faulty medical device or an unsafe home appliance, we have long fought to ensure that manufacturers take responsibility for the harm their products cause. But when it comes to guns, the legal landscape is different and more complex. 

school shooting

Unlike other products, as we all know, firearms are constitutionally protected under the Second Amendment. Texas has some of the loosest gun laws in the country, no longer requiring people to own a license to carry a handgun in most public spaces. Texas also has the highest number of school shootings in America totaling 61 incidents since 2008, with a rate of .21 shootings per 100,000 people. 

To us, this comparison is no coincidence. Just because firearms are constitutionally protected does not mean they should be free from regulation. Constitutionally protected rights are regulated all the time—just think about free speech.  

The First Amendment protects your right to say almost whatever you want to say, almost whenever you want to say it. But, despite that constitutional protection, you cannot, for instance, walk into a crowded theatre and yell FIRE. We’re no strangers to constitutionally protected rights being regulated for the safety and protection of our community as a whole. 

We believe that, much like cars or pharmaceuticals, guns should be subject to more stringent monitoring aimed at preventing harm, particularly to vulnerable populations like children. 

While we have established obstacles to challenging public gun use, there are still things we can do to prevent gun-related incidents. We should all be able to agree on effective gun control measures that promote responsible gun ownership. Here are my thoughts, from one gun owner to the rest: 

Common Sense Gun Reform 

Implement and Enforce Universal Background Checks 

Implementing background checks and closing the loopholes around them can greatly reduce violent gun-related incidents. These checks prevent individuals with a history of violence, mental illness, or criminal activity from purchasing firearms in the first place.  

In 2017, a local man in Sutherland Springs, Texas shot and killed 26 people and wounded 22 others at the local First Baptist Church, the deadliest shooting in Texas history. It was revealed later in the investigation that the man had previously been convicted of domestic violence.  

A thorough background check would have found this red flag and may have been the difference in sparing innocent lives. This, of course, is just one example of many. Would this mean that mass shootings never happen? No. Would this prevent some? Yes. And that should be enough. 

Checking Age and Increasing Age Limit 

Many gun-related incidents could be avoided by more proactive behavior from gun sellers. As well as submitting detailed background checks, checking the age of the buyer is the very least that a firearm retailer should do. In the United States, the legal age to purchase a firearm is 18. We could begin by upping that age – how we can buy a shotgun before a margarita is baffling.  

We would, of course, still have the issue of minors buying them illegally. Enforcing any age ban requires gun sellers to follow the rules. 

In 2018, a 17-year-old student at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, was able to buy ammunition online unprompted to prove his age, ultimately killing eight students and two teachers at his school. Santa Fe acts as an example of the responsibility that gun retailers have to the safety of the public. Would he have gotten bullets somewhere else? Maybe. Maybe not. All we know is that he illegally got them after the gun seller illegally sold him bullets and he used those bullets to kill eight children.  

Safer Storage Laws 

One of the most effective measures to protect children from gun accidents is the enactment and enforcement of safe storage laws. In Texas, it is illegal to provide firearm access to children; however, there is no specification for how they should be stored, leaving room for dangerously negligent interpretation. The Washington Post found that of the 180 shootings committed by juveniles since Columbine, 86% of the weapons were obtained in the homes of parents, friends, or relatives. I don’t have all of the information on how each of those weapons was obtained from each of those households.  

Recently, in Georgia, the father of a 14-year-old school shooting suspect faces two counts of second-degree murder for knowingly providing his son with an assault weapon, leading to four deaths at Apalachee High School. And earlier this month, a six-year-old in Memphis, Tennessee, brought a loaded gun to class which his mother claimed to have stashed underneath their couch cushions.   

In Texas, parents who fail to keep guns away from their children are liable to face a Class A or Class C misdemeanor depending on the incident. But you are not required to show proof of a gun safe or other gun storage system before being allowed to legally purchase a gun.  

Gun owners, especially parents, should be held accountable for negligence and they should ensure that minors do not have unsupervised access to firearms, whether at home or otherwise. People’s lives are at stake. A gun safe or safe storage system is not too much to require when we consider what is at risk. Would gun safes prevent every mass shooting or school shooting? No. Would it prevent some? I think it’s ridiculous to say it wouldn’t. 

Gun Insurance 

Another commonsense move might be requiring all gun owners to have insurance for their firearms. It would give not only victims of gun violence but also gun owners some extra protection in case something goes wrong. Just like car insurance, if there’s an accident—like the gun goes off by mistake or it gets stolen—insurance would help cover the costs. Plus, it would encourage safer practices since you’ve got a reason to be extra careful with how you handle and store your gun. 

Now, again, car accidents still happen every day and reckless driving is almost a given on any Texas road. Implementing insurance on guns wouldn’t prevent every single shooting from happening. But it could make people think about their guns more as a dangerous liability 

Constitutional Considerations 

Gun control reforms are often met with resistance due to the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to bear arms. However, courts have consistently upheld the notion that reasonable regulations on gun ownership do not violate constitutional rights.  

The U.S. Supreme Court, in District of Columbia v. Heller, affirmed that while the Second Amendment protects individual gun ownership, it is not an absolute right. The ruling emphasized that certain regulations, such as restrictions on felons owning firearms or the prohibition of carrying firearms in sensitive places like schools, are constitutionally permissible. 

As such, measures like universal background checks, age restrictions, and safe storage laws are well within the scope of the Constitution. These reforms do not strip individuals of their rights to own firearms but instead promote responsible ownership and reduce the risk of harm to society, particularly children. 

Write to Your Representatives 

We’re moms with children on school campuses, ranging from kindergarten to college. And we respect gun ownership – some of us own several guns ourselves. But pretending like common sense gun reform is too restrictive on the Second Amendment is just nonsense.  

If you, like us at Carter Law Group, want to see more reform and less violence, feel free to copy and paste the following letter and send it to your local government representative. Find your Representative in the House and your Representative in the Congress by zip code. It only takes one voice to make a difference.  


Dear Representative, 

I, like millions of Americans and many others around the world, am horrified and devastated to watch and read about the tragic shootings that plague our communities and continue to grow in number. It has come to a point where I feel I must speak and act. I write to you today for stricter gun control to prevent another shooting like Apalachee Elementary School or Robb Elementary School from happening again. 

I understand that gun control is challenged greatly, especially here in Texas, by those who do not wish their constitutional rights inhibited. However, we must consider the growing toll and negative impact that guns have on public health. Promoting and enforcing responsible gun ownership is not unconstitutional and for that reason, I ask you to support the following reforms: 

  1. Enforce universal background checks for all gun-related purchases. 
  1. Safer storage laws that require gun sellers to demonstrate the use of a lock and offer to sell one during every firearm sale. 
  1. Raise the penalty for child access to a firearm to a 3rd-degree felony rather than a misdemeanor in cases where access results in death or serious bodily injury. 

As representatives of our community, elected by the people for the people, we look to you for guidance and to represent us truly. It is your obligation to make decisions for the good of the public’s safety. You have the power to make these changes, which is why we ask you to enact impactful gun reform today.   





To read more from Carter Law Group:

Civil Liabilities for Gun Violence in Schools (

A Call to Action: Protecting Our Children from Hate Crimes Under Title IX | Carter Law Group (

Understanding the Rights of Underage Workers: Federal and Texas Child Labor Laws | Carter Law Group (

Civil Liabilities for Gun Violence in Schools: Legal Perspectives and Strategies

Gun violence in schools remains a deeply concerning issue that demands immediate attention and comprehensive solutions. As instances of school shootings continue to make headlines, it’s crucial to explore the legal aspects surrounding this problem and the strategies that can be employed to ensure the safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff.

The Legal Landscape

Second Amendment: The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution grants individuals the right to bear arms. However, this right is not absolute and can be subject to reasonable regulations. Courts have upheld the constitutionality of various gun control measures while balancing the need for public safety.

Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA): Enacted in 1990, the GFSZA makes it a federal offense to possess a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school zone. This law helps create safe zones for students and staff, although its effectiveness has been debated.

State-Level Regulations: States have the authority to enact their own gun control laws. These laws can vary widely, including background check requirements, waiting periods, and restrictions on firearm possession for certain individuals, such as those with a history of domestic violence or mental illness.

Memorial for school shooting victims

Challenges in Addressing Gun Violence in Schools

Access to Firearms: One of the primary challenges is the ease of access to firearms, especially for individuals who intend to do harm. Closing loopholes in background checks and implementing stricter regulations for gun purchases could help mitigate this issue.

Mental Health: Identifying and addressing mental health concerns among students is crucial. Schools should have resources for counseling and support, and there should be mechanisms in place for reporting concerns about students’ well-being.

Security Measures: Implementing effective security measures, such as metal detectors, surveillance systems, and personnel training, is essential to deter potential threats and respond promptly to any incidents.

Strategies for Prevention and Legal Action

Comprehensive Gun Control Legislation: Advocating for comprehensive gun control legislation at both federal and state levels can help establish consistent regulations, including mandatory background checks for all firearm sales and transfers.

Red Flag Laws: Red flag laws allow law enforcement or family members to petition a court to temporarily remove firearms from individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others. These laws can prevent potential threats from accessing weapons.

Increased School Safety Funding: Governments should allocate funds to school shooting victims' families outside of Robb Elementary after the Uvalde school shooting improve school infrastructure, security personnel training, and mental health support services.

Community and School Collaboration: Establishing open communication channels between schools, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and communities can lead to quicker identification of potential threats and a more coordinated response.

Civil Liability for Gun Safety

Civil liability for gun violence in schools can be a complex legal issue. In general, individuals or entities, including schools, can be held civilly liable for gun violence in schools under certain circumstances. Liability may vary based on factors such as negligence, foreseeability, and the specific laws in a given jurisdiction. Victims and their families may pursue legal action against those they believe are responsible, such as the shooter, school authorities, or potentially gun sellers in cases involving negligence.

It’s important to consult with a legal expert for advice on specific cases, as laws can vary from place to place, and this area of law is subject to ongoing changes and developments.

Addressing gun violence in schools requires a multifaceted approach that involves legal measures, mental health support, and community collaboration. While respecting individuals’ rights under the Second Amendment, it’s imperative to prioritize the safety and security of students, teachers, and staff. By implementing effective gun control measures, improving mental health resources, and fostering partnerships between stakeholders, we can work toward creating safer educational environments for our children and our communities.


For more information on becoming involved in your local gun safety fight, please visit Everytown for Gun Safety at:

For more information about civil liabilities for gun violence in schools, please reach out to one of our legal experts: