Entries by Amy Carter

Hair Relaxers: The Unpleasant Truth

Although many individuals grew up using hair relaxers, the chemicals in hair relaxers are actually causing more harm than you might think. The Unpleasant Truth About Using Hair Relaxers Women of color are becoming more aware of the risks associated with relaxers and are deciding to embrace their natural hair instead. Many people are still […]

Uterine Cancer & Hair Straighteners

Study Discovers Potential Connection Between Uterine Cancer and Chemicals Used in Popular Hair Straighteners and Relaxers Using chemical hair relaxers and straighteners increases a woman’s risk of developing uterine cancer, according to a recent study from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). On October 17, 2022, the results of the study were released in […]

Organic Marketing 101

Hello.  This morning when I sat down to write my very first blog post, I decided to do something a little different than most legal blogs.  After all, Heather, my amazing associate, has all the legal stuff covered in her posts.  Instead, I’ve decided to talk about what has been consuming my life of late, […]