Hospira, Inc. Issues A Voluntary Nationwide Recall For One Lot of Bleomycin for Injection, USP 15 Units Single Dose ONCO-TAIN™ Glass Fliptop Vial Due To The Potential For Presence of Glass Particulate Matter

Hospira, Inc., a Pfizer company, is voluntarily recalling one lot of Bleomycin for Injection, USP 15 units Single Dose ONCO-TAIN™ Glass Fliptop Vial, lot BL12206A, to the user level. The recall was initiated due to a confirmed customer report for the presence of glass particulate within a single via

Source: Food and Drugs Administration--Recalls/Safety Alerts

Hospira, Inc. Issues A Voluntary Nationwide Recall For 4.2% Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, 8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, and Atropine Sulfate Injection Due to the Potential Presence of Glass Particulate Matter

Hospira, Inc., a Pfizer company, is voluntarily recalling the lots listed in the table below of 4.2% Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP ABBOJECT® Glass Syringe, 5 mEq/10 mL; 8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP Lifeshield® ABBOJECT® Glass Syringe, 50 mEq/50 mL; and Atropine Sulfate Injection, USP L

Source: Food and Drugs Administration--Recalls/Safety Alerts

Hospira, Inc. Issues A Voluntary Nationwide Recall For 4.2% Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, 8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, and Atropine Sulfate Injection Due to the Potential Presence of Glass Particulate Matter

Hospira, Inc., a Pfizer company, is voluntarily recalling the lots listed in the table below of 4.2% Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP ABBOJECT® Glass Syringe, 5 mEq/10 mL; 8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP Lifeshield® ABBOJECT® Glass Syringe, 50 mEq/50 mL; and Atropine Sulfate Injection, USP L

Source: Food and Drugs Administration--Recalls/Safety Alerts

Blue Ridge Beef Issues Voluntary Recall of Blue Ridge Beef Kitten Grind, Blue Ridge Kitten Mix and Blue Ridge Beef Puppy Mix Due to Salmonella and Listeria Monocytogenes Contamination

Blue Ridge Beef is recalling all lot numbers and used by dates between N24 1124 to N24 1224 of their 2 lb log of Kitten Grind UPC 8 54298 00101 6; 2lb log of Kitten Mix UPC 8 54298 00143 6 and their 2lb log of Puppy Mix UPC 8 54298 00169 6 due to contamination of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogene

Source: Food and Drugs Administration--Recalls/Safety Alerts

Astor Chocolate Corporation Issues Allergy Alert on Undeclared Coconut in Burnt Caramel Bars

Astor Chocolate Corporation of Lakewood, New Jersey is recalling 1,092 Burnt Caramel Candy Bars, because it may contain undeclared coconut. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to coconut run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products. The Th

Source: FDA Food Safety Recalls RSS Feed

ResMed Notifies Customers About Updated Instructions and Labeling for Masks with Magnets Due to Potential Interference with Certain Medical Devices

ResMed (NYSE: RMD, ASX: RMD) is conducting a voluntary global field action to update its guides for all masks with magnets to inform users about potential magnetic interference when magnets are near certain implants and medical devices in the body. This voluntary field correction does not require a

Source: Food and Drugs Administration--Recalls/Safety Alerts

Medline Industries, LP. Issues a Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Various Lots of Tracheostomy Care and Cleaning Trays

Medline Industries, LP. announced a voluntary nationwide recall on October 10th, 2023, of several lots and SKUs of Tracheostomy Care and Cleaning Trays. The Tracheostomy Care and Cleaning Trays include a tracheostomy brush as a component that may have sharp edges at the tip that can puncture tubing

Source: Food and Drugs Administration--Recalls/Safety Alerts

Houdini, Inc. Recalls Gift Baskets with Quaker Oats Chewy Granola Bars Because of Possible Health Risk

Wine Country Gift Baskets / Houdini Inc. of Fullerton, CA is taking precautionary measures of voluntarily recalling all gift baskets produced with Quaker Chewy Granola bars due to a recall by the Quaker Oats company because it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella, an organism which c

Source: FDA Food Safety Recalls RSS Feed

RDK Corp (DBA Racine Danish Kringles) Issues Allergy Alert on Potential for Undeclared Pecans in 14oz Raspberry Kringle

Racine Danish Kringles of Racine, Wisconsin is recalling 960 units of Raspberry Kringle 14oz with lot code 23299 sold in select ALDI retail stores because the item may contain undeclared pecans. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to pecans run the risk of serious or life- threatening a

Source: Food and Drugs Administration--Recalls/Safety Alerts

Busse Hospital Disposables Issues Nationwide Recall of Kits/Trays Containing Sterile Water Based Products Under Recall by Nurse Assist

On November 21, 2023, Busse Hospital Disposals ini􀆟ated a na􀆟onwide recall of medical device kits and trays containing (1) Nurse Assist part 6240, Stericare 100ML Sterile Saline Botle. This is the only saline contained in the trays/kits. Busse ini􀆟ated this recall in direct response to Nurse Assi

Source: Food and Drugs Administration--Recalls/Safety Alerts