Sexual Assault in the Workplace: The 7 Risks Teenagers Face

Teenage workers are at increased risk of sexual assault and sexual harassment in the workplace.

Teenagers entering the workforce are often faced with a unique set of challenges and vulnerabilities, one of which is the increased risk of experiencing sexual assault and harassment.  In fact, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) lists young workers as a key risk factor of workplace sexual harassment.  As they navigate the transition from school to employment, it’s crucial to recognize the factors that make teenagers in the workplace particularly vulnerable to these distressing situations. In this blog article, we will explore the reasons behind this vulnerability and discuss the importance of addressing and preventing sexual assault and harassment in the workplace.

Limited Experience and Knowledge: 

One of the key factors that make teenagers in the workplace vulnerable to sexual assault and harassment is their limited life and work experience. Often entering their first job, they may not fully understand their rights or recognize inappropriate behavior. This lack of experience can lead to confusion, making it easier for perpetrators to take advantage of their naivety.

Power Imbalance:

In many workplaces, there’s a distinct power imbalance between teenage employees and their supervisors or older colleagues. This power dynamic can be exploited by those in positions of authority, making teenagers feel powerless to report or resist harassment or assault. Fear of retaliation or job loss further silences young victims.

Peer Pressure:

Teenagers in the workplace may face pressure from their peers to conform to unhealthy workplace norms. They may hesitate to speak out about harassment or assault for fear of being ostracized by coworkers or labeled as troublemakers. Peer pressure can contribute to a culture of silence that allows harassment to persist.

Inadequate Training and Education:

Workplaces often lack comprehensive training and education programs for employees, especially younger workers. This leaves teenagers uninformed about what constitutes harassment or assault and how to report such incidents. Improved training can empower them to identify and address problematic behavior.

Financial Dependence:

Teenagers may rely on their jobs to support themselves or help their families financially. This financial dependence can create a sense of desperation to keep their jobs, even in the face of harassment or assault. Fear of job loss can trap them in abusive situations.

Limited Support Systems:

Teenagers may lack a strong support system at work, as they may not have established relationships with coworkers. Isolation can make them more vulnerable to harassment or assault and less likely to have allies who can help them navigate these difficult situations.

Stigmatization and Victim-Blaming:

Society often stigmatizes victims of sexual assault and harassment, blaming them for what happened. This stigma can be especially harmful to teenagers who may already be dealing with societal pressures, body image issues, and self-esteem challenges. The fear of being judged or blamed may deter them from reporting incidents.

It’s crucial to recognize and address the vulnerability of teenagers in the workplace to sexual assault and harassment. By acknowledging these risks and working to create safer, more supportive work environments, we can protect the rights and well-being of young workers. Employers, educators, and society as a whole must take steps to educate teenagers about their rights, provide support, and foster a culture that prioritizes respect and safety in the workplace. Empowering teenagers to speak out against harassment and assault is essential in creating a more inclusive and secure work environment for all.

For more information on sexual harassment in the workplace, go to Sexual Harassment | Carter Law Group (

Dallas sexual harassment and sexual assault lawyers at Carter Law Group are ready to build a strong and effective case for you. Contact us today. Call (214) 390-4173